Amy Raven
A certified Hatha yoga instructor of 12 years, Amy Raven realized early on the true jewel of yoga is not the asana itself but the presence found through practice and thus expanded her skill set to include meditation, breath work and sound healing. A professional pole dancer since 2001 and aerialist since 2011.
Amy uses movement to break loose toxic emotions, trauma and stress from the cells of the body and pole dance to restructure women’s conditioning around sexuality, freedom and in service to feminine power.

Amy became a doula in 2014 to hold women as they cross the sacred threshold into motherhood and leads women’s circles to provide space to share wisdom, build community and amplify vision.
Dedicated to worship of the body as a temple, Amy studied tantra and Ayurveda, with deep reverence for ecstatic states of union and the intimacy created through vulnerability and communication, Amy teaches sacred sexual empowerment to women and couples.

Amy is certified in Thai and Esalen massage. In her sessions she combines sound with modalities of touch. Creating a container for healing.
Her life’s mission is to radiate light from the heart to illuminate darkness within her self.
“Let us be united in
co creation for the greater good of all.
Realization that there is no